Product Detail - How to Love Someone Who Cannot Love You Back
How can a parent handle the rejection of the love they are offering a child who is not able to return it? This book shows how to love an emotionally injured child by looking at the way God responded to us when we were rejecting Him.
By Imran and Tami Razvi
How can a parent handle the rejection of the love they are offering a child who is not able to return it? This book shows how to love an emotionally injured child by looking at the way God responded to us when we were rejecting Him.
By Imran and Tami Razvi
How can a parent handle the rejection of the love they are offering a child who is not able to return it? This book shows how to love an emotionally injured child by looking at the way God responded to us when we were rejecting Him.
By Imran and Tami Razvi
How can a parent handle the rejection of the love they are offering a child who is not able to return it? This book shows how to love an emotionally injured child by looking at the way God responded to us when we were rejecting Him.
By Imran and Tami Razvi

Conquered By Love Ministries all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.
(Romans 8:37)
Cheers and challenges, heartache and healing - those extremes that are part of raising children are magnified in the raising of adopted children. Every child that comes to the place of needing to be adopted, has experienced a trauma. And that reality needs to be a lens through which parenting of adopted children is viewed. There are solutions to the challenges and answers that bring ultimate healing. There are no bandaids or quick-fix solutions for trauma. But there are genuine step-by-step solutions that bring ultimate healing from the effects of trauma. There are solutions that bring families to a place of harmony.
Adoption Products
These books and workbooks help adoptive families understand the needs of their adopted children and how to work with and through those needs.
They are the children of our hearts.
Price: $7.95
Price: $7.95